I was actually kidding! But since you offered, any help - yes please!
Here is pictures of the existing one I have, and the one one today. The existing one on the right is a Mendenhall with a tag, it's been re-potted (I got it that way) recently into clay and was told to let it really dry out between watering. It doesn't have any flowers yet. The new one from today has totally different leafs, thicker spikes (a mature one and a new one) and is actively growing flowers - one that is still opening, and another bud behind it - but it seems to have been kept very wet. It was wet today, but I say kept based on how the media looks. Very, very different between the two. Also on the new one, it seems a primary leaf where the mature spike is growing was lost some how, but it has little point-ies coming out as though it might re-grow them?
Since the new one is a NoID, any thoughts on that as well?