I prefer to say that my losses have been sacrificed to the Orchid Gods. Somehow that makes me feel better....
If I told you how many I've "sacrificed", you kind folks would relinquish my membership to the Orchid Board. Seriously....I'd be surely kicked out.
I started with my first orchids in Omaha Nebraska where I grew them indoors. After MUCH reading and research (there was NO internet then) I finally figured them out without killing too many. Then I moved to Alabama which changed my game. I lost about 50 orchids in a very bad hail storm. Started all over again.....inside.
Then moved to Florida and my game changed yet again! I grow most of mine outside here and they love it. I had to change things up though here as well.
I think the specimen I miss the most was a huge pot of Paphs....lost in Alabama. I really really wish I still had that plant....but I have another that I almost lost here in Florida....A Cat. It was in a huge basket and routinely through out 12-14 blooms at a time. We had a very unusual cold snap when I was away...and I almost lost it. I put it in the "infirmary" (the back porch) and tended to it using techniques I learned here on the Orchid Board. While I lost most of it....this plant that I'd had for 20 plus years pulled through and today is still my most favorite!
I sure enjoy this board! Just sayin'!