I received a beautiful "Sunset Orchid" as a gift in February and for the most part haven't paid much attention past watering it once or twice a week until we recently began experiencing warmer weather here in Northern California (60 degree F at night and anywhere between 70-80 degrees F during the day). Unfortunately my condo faces West, so the best place I have for my orchid to live is my windowsill that faces SW--I thought perhaps since I live in closer dwellings, my sheer curtains and the alley would help shade some of that sun away. However, is my orchid still receiving too much sun? Should I remove it from the sill? I do keep the window slightly ajar for the most part although I forgot to leave it open this weekend. I've been watering it once a week or so, but when I returned after being gone on the weekend, I noticed a drastic yellowing of all of the leaves. Also, I noticed when the weather got warmer, my blossoms turned lighter, although last week they blossomed more buds that were the same color as I had received them back in February.
Any suggestions to how I can save my orchid?? I have not repotted it since I received it. Do I need to repot? I'm not sure what I should trim if something needs to be trimmed... Sorry if there are any repeat questions, however I glanced over the sticky's and didn't quite find my answer. If my question is answered elsewhere, I'd be happy with a redirected link as well! Thanks!
Pictures are attached.