So here is my lowes rescue phal that I got a couple weeks ago. When I got it the leaves were wrinkled and limp. I watered it right away and a couple days later the leaves had perked up. A week ago I took it out of the pot and trimmed off a few rotted roots. There were a few good roots a couple inches long that looked good. I didn't have new potting media so I just loosened up the tightly packed moss it was in. One of the support stakes was kind of rotted at the point where it went into the moss so I threw it out and the moss that was immediately surrounding it. I replaced both stakes with a couple bamboo skewers I had. So today I just checked all my orchids and noticed this moldy looking stuff on the skewers where they go into the moss. Anybody know what it is? I just ordered some Phalaenopsis classic mix and clear pots from repotme last night. Is there anything I should do until I get the new mix and pots? Thanks in advance!
Spray the white stuff with Peroxide (directly, it should be the standard 3% out of the bottle) and that will make it bubble up and kill it, without hurting the plant. Sounds like you are already on track to do the best thing for it, which is to get it into fresh media!