Have ID'd a couple thrips. The books seem to call for an insecticidal soap, but which one? I searched the "pests and diseases forum" already.
Speaking of bugs- two books and a 40" Phal "Wedding Procession" followed me home in the last couple days.
The Phal. has seven blooms (!) and a few more coming... the books are "Four Seasons of Orchids" by Allikas/Nash and "Understanding Orchids" by Cullina.
I've used Safer's Insecticidal Soap and Bayer's 3-in-1 solution. Both have worked well. The key is to stay aware of what's going on with the plants so you can treat a problem as soon as possible, before it gets out of control.
I've heard Safer works well. Whatever you chose, you need to treat often.The pupal stage is in the soil and the adults and larvae love to hide in flowers and deep within the plant, so just treating once won't get all of those guys. The thrips life cycle is about 12 days at 70F and slightly longer at lower temperatures.
The problem with thrips is that they are becoming resistant to most broad spectrum insecticides available.I guees I would use the soap. Good luck getting rid of them!
__________________ Camille
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
I so agree with you Ray. I really believe I've had more success with using dish soap then any of those fancy brand names cides. Most are a waste of money (IMHO)
I've noticed the same thing with all my outdoor greens aswell.
A few drops of dish soap in quart of water and pour thru.
If its that bad then change the media and use the dish soap after.
Insecticidal soaps, in my experience, aren't any better that ordinary dish soap in water. Don't waste your money.
A spray head in a bottle of isopropyl rubbing alcohol is also effective.
If you want to go commercial, almost any insecticide is effective on thrips.
Ive noticed a few of something slender and black thriplike crawling on the base of my Phal, but I read that thrips eat new growth and its not budding or currently flowering. Do they bother roots? I wonder why they are even on it.
Its been a quite a while since you posted this, but do you know if rubbing alcohol is OK if it is being applied near or over the roots?
Has anyone ever considered literally removing and baking the medium at a low oven temperature to erradicate larvae and eggs? I'm thinking of trying that so I don't have to replace it, or dick around with nematodes which sadly I've had DoA a few times.