You said you're not sure if this was on your plant when you first got it.
Did you see any snail hanging inside the box? It does look like snail damage and if it is moist, then it really is likely. then again, I'm just speculating.
The nursery I got my catt with this similar symptom has snail issues. but small snails that nibble on roots. This damage, if it indeed is from snail, has to be a large garden snail of some sort.
Also, snails love to eat up buds or flowers but I would think cattleya leaf is rather too tough to chew on.
or again, some kind of mechanical damage.
My catt has this one area on one old leaf. It's been growing well and all the leaves that grew under my care are perfectly fine with no blemish.
or this could be one of those physiological issues of some sort.