Since the link of the post with pics of the BetterGro self watering planters isn't working, here are some updated pics to show that these guys are definitely worth watching the clearance rack for!
The planters come with sphag, but on 2 of my 4 self watering planters I replaced it with regular phal media & the self watering function still works just fine. I keep the phals constantly moist. The roots look great, too. I think these pictures help show that the root system must be healthy. All of these were purchased on the clearance rack with fading blooms or no blooms. The blooms on these guys do last longer in the store, so it takes many weeks before any of these hit the clearance rack.

Round combo planter purchased last october for $10, replaced sphag with phal mix. This phal rebloomed with only 5 flowers, but has also grown 2 new leaves during that time. No name tag.

Square planter purchased just before Christmas, replaced sphag with phal media. This guy rebloomed 9 flowers that are the right size & has a 14" leaf span. At $3 this one was a super great deal. Came with name tag.

Another square planter purchased in February for $6, left the sphag in this one. I got 14 flowers on this guy when he chose to rebloom, all the size they should be & he is probably my biggest phal with a 19" leaf span. Came with name tag.

A friend didn't want the Dendrobiums out of the self watering combo planters she got, so she put them all together & gave them to me in November. These are still in sphag. I haven't had a single leaf turn yellow, old canes on 2 of the dens rebloomed in January & the canes are nice & plump. I haven't inspected the roots on these guys, but they are doing better than most of the dens I have in den media. Since almost everything I read seems to indicate these dens really should not be this happy in their current situation, I do let the sphag dry out in the top 1/2" before watering and I just moisten it really well, not necessarily using enough water to fill the self watering tank in the planter. 2 came with name tags.

Here's the tag they come with. The bottom hole has a little black rubber plug stuck in it to help ensure no drips get on your furniture, but the plug isn't essential if you find that it's missing.
Sorry this post is so long, but the orchids in these planters are so healthy and have done so well for me that I wanted to share so everyone would know to watch for them on clearance.