Flowers dropping off- help please
Hi everyone, I am new to the forum and new to having ever owned an Orchid.
I bought a Cambria spider orchid from my local garden centre at easter, and now the flowers are all falling off. It is in a china pot with no other pot inside, I was worried about over watering so have only watered it once since easter, and it was after that the flowers started to fall off. Although I did move it to another place in the house and then back again.
I went back to the garden centre and spoke to their plant expert yesterday, he said I hadn't watered it enough, he told me to repot in a plastic see through pot, to water once a week by standing it in tepid water for a while and to feed it. I have watered and fed it, with a feed that you stick in the pot, but haven't yet repotted it, as I am not sure what to medium to buy to pot it with as the only plastic pot size I saw was a bit bigger than its in now, more flowers had fallen this morning.
Please can someone help, as I would prefer the knowledge of people that know about orchids.
I have just noticed that all the flowers that have dropped off have come off the same stem the other stem seems to not have lost any flowers?
Thanks in advance.
Last edited by love2travel; 04-28-2013 at 02:16 AM..
Reason: adding information