Yup lots of good info for a beginner so I will definitely be perusing the site often. Since it came from a florist I assumed they would dress it up and put it in a pot I would have to eventually remove it from as it would be aesthetically pleasing but not necessarily good for the plant long-term.
That's what I have read is that it is best to put it in a south facing window and can also work in an east facing one. I got the book Orchids for Dummies and it had also said LED lights are a good source of light for the orchids, 2 40 watt florescent lamps work best apparently.
Bright and cool, got it! So ill be sure to put it in a cool place with moderate light for now.
Thank you Kevin! I had seen that on the internet but wasn't sure if that was what mine was, I'm glad to know it has a proper name and I don't have to keep looking up the different types.
Oh that one does look in bad shape, I would have really panicked if those would have been the roots I pulled out! I feel a bit better now with everyone's reassurance that they aren't so bad and that it'll be fine. For now I'll just enjoy the blooms and and keep watch over its progress