Hi guys.

A few weeks ago it got warm and I put my orchids outside during the day and brought them in at night. Up until then they were perfectly happy and going very strongly. Then I noticed their leaves had gone limp and mushy. A few days ago I posted another post asking why the leaves were black (I think they got burned), and now all my healthy leaves are starting to yellow and die! The remaining leaves that are still green are showing signs of dimpling and browning around the edges. What is this? Is it a disease they picked up outside? Did they get burned? Is this a fungus? Is it a pest? What can I do to save them?? Should I cut off the bad leaves? Is it too late?
I noticed on my larger orchid, the one with 2 yellowing leaves, that the base of the plant on that side is yellow also.
I have been watering them on their normal schedule and fertilizing them on their normal schedule as well. Ever since that one day when I found their limp leaves I have not put them back outside and have left them in their normal place where they were once thriving.
Please help me figure out what is wrong with them and how to save them! =(