What do you grow?
I put my orchids outside every Spring...as soon as the night time lows are consistently at 58+...and IMO they benefit greatly for the time outdoors.
We don't get too many days in the 100+ range but we do get plenty of 90+ days...and some of those come w/very low humidity. When it's extra hot outside I water 2x a day...morning and again in the early evening. The moisture at the roots going into the night time hours allow the plants to absorb more so they are less likely to become dehydrated. I have never had a problem w/crown rots or any other rot problems by watering in the evening during these times. Also...in my area most nights cool down nicely so that also helps the plants deal w/the highs during the day. Cooler temps at night goes a long way in helping the orchids cope w/those higher than ideal temps.
Providing extra shade during those days when the temps really soar is a good idea...if it's possible. For me, I can't give them any more shade than the existing shade cloth they are under so I have been known to grab the hose and spray everything down really well in order to cool the leaves...focusing the shower on the leaves. And, no, I've never had a problem w/burning the leaves. That water on the leaves will cause burning is an old myth...if it weren't there would be no plants w/out burn spots on the face of the earth. Water will evaporate quickly...too quickly for it to ever ever become a magnifier for a drop of water.
An important factor in helping your plants make it through some of the extra high temps time is making sure they are well acclimated to the extra heat. Moving them outside as early as the temps allow will give them the time to build up to the rising temps. It's no different than acclimating them to higher light intensities.
With all of that said...if you grow any cool or cold growers...no amount of acclimating will help them deal w/temps in the upper 90's and/or into the 100's. The 90's are tough enough on them and they will typically respond unfavorably...temps in the 100's could be so stressful the plants might not recover. Cool/Cold growers would be better off moved back into A/C while those outside temps are that high. Intermediate growers will be fine...hot growers won't bat an eye (if they had eyes

) as long as you keep them well hydrated.