I recently Bought 3 Phals from Lowe's. They were in the clearance sections so I bought these 3 2 quart orchids for 4.50 a pop. Upon further inspection the root systems were in great shape hardly any rot from overwatering. I re-potted into a media made of 85% of these large bead like clay things 10% medium coconut husks and 5% charcoal. The Mix drains water like a sieve but in a few hours its totally dry. Could lack of water retention harm the plants?
In itself, no. Remember phals growing naturally grow hanging from trees with no media at all. Keep a watch on the roots in the pot (if you have a clear pot...): when they change from green to silvery is when the plant needs watering. If that's happening in hours then you may have a problem!
That mix holds water better than you think. It may be dry on the surface, but there is still plenty of water inside each sphere, slowly evaporating. Now, if you're using a clay pot, it probably will dry out too quickly. But in plastic you'll be fine for the day.
I am growing mine in 100% terracotta chips which are much the same thing (infact if anything they hold even less water). The phals are all growing fabulously since swapping to this and I only water every couple of days. The terracotta looks dry very quickly but there is often still some condensation on the inside of the pot which tells me that it is still releasing moisture after it 'dries'. I have masses of lovely green roots in my pots now
It doesn't hurt the phalaenopsis to dry quickly. After all many of us grow some phals on mounts. Unfortunately it means more work for you because the plants will need to be watered more often. You may want to experiment with your mix by increasing the amount of chc until you get a mix that will stay moist a little longer and allow you to water less often.
I am growing mine in 100% terracotta chips which are much the same thing (infact if anything they hold even less water). The phals are all growing fabulously since swapping to this and I only water every couple of days. The terracotta looks dry very quickly but there is often still some condensation on the inside of the pot which tells me that it is still releasing moisture after it 'dries'. I have masses of lovely green roots in my pots now