Originally Posted by clusty
I have my fern pole now.
Hard decision is what orchids should I attempt to mount?
I was thinking one of these:
maxillaria tenuifolia
bulbophyllum frank smith
I got some other "big bulb" orchids I could attempt.
Whom do you suggest should go first  ?
I take three things into consideration when I'm mounting orchids.
1. Do the flower spikes need staking? If the flowers are heavy and the flower spike can't hold up the flowers on it's own, then I don't put it on a mount.
2. Does the size of the plant look reasonable for the mount? I want the orchid to look nice on the mount so I don't want to put a huge cattleya on a small mount or a miniature orchid on a large mount.
3. I prefer to mount orchids that have good size pseudobulbs so the plant can survive if I decide to go out of town for a week.