Oh for the "good old days" Before internet and instant gratification.
I say this because when I first started growing orchids there was no internet as there is today. That meant the only way to acquire orchids was thru catalogs and such. I actually found my first orchid in the back of a gardening magazine. I fell in love, I ordered and I HAD to learn how to take care of them. My bible became Rebecca Northerns 'Home Orchid Growing' from my local library. That book spent more time in my possession than at the library. I bought books. I joined the American Orchid Society and I read more. And I LEARNED!! I made an effort and it took alot of my time and money to do so. I've tried many different types and failed at some and did well with others, which are the ones I tend to stick with.
I've raised seedlings straight out of flasks to blooming plants. Nursed back sick or dying plants. Fought back pests and repotted. All without the benefit of the internet. All from books! Didn't jump on a forum each and every time I had a question. I did my own footwork. I did my own research.
Which leads me to:
Originally Posted by rlilia
Perhaps there should be two forums or at least groups, because obviously "us" - those "who do not want to think or learn anything", seriously???  - and "you" - an "expert"(?) - will never agree....
The question wasn't addressed to those who essentially holds... shall I say, a strong opposition to anything to do with the NoID orchids, and certainly wasn't a complaint to be resolved.
First: There was no oppostion stated to NoIDs
Second: Why ask if it wasn't meant to have some resolution?
Third: The question /complaint ( Orchid abuse -WHY???) was put to EVERYONE, novice and "expert" alike. GGMM was just trying to give you some background on the hows and whys to there being the ability to go into a BBS and be able to buy orchids, NoID or otherwise. He's also trying to let everyone know these plants are in the hands of unqualified caregivers. But you know that when their bought and then complain about the care they've been given and the conditions their in and then come here to get the answer why.
Most often its obvious very little or no research has been done by the OP. Don't believe me? Just go to the Beginners, ID, Pests and diseases or Potting threads. You'll find the same questions over and over. A good example is the Phal thread. Yesterday in the hybrids section out of 25 posts 11 of them were questions that really belonged in one of the aforementioned threads. ID, Pests etc.
How many times does it need to be explained why a NoID is a NoID?? There's a whole sticky on that under the Beginners thread but it seems no one reads it!! That just one example.
So I understand GGMM frustration but I also understand the reason for the questions. I also feel that some effort needs to be put in by the OP because at this point with the amount of posts and information ALREADY here the answer to MOST questions could easily be found with a search or a bit of reading instead of typing why??
If you don't want to "think or learn anything" I wouldn't be thumbing my nose at someone who gives talks on "what's an orchid", you don't ask a newbie to do that only someone with experience! You might be surprised at who GGMM is! and you may be able to learn something new.
We are each entitled to agree or disagree and this is just my