Help about repotting:  I think I made a mistake
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Old 04-09-2013, 12:08 PM
BillieG BillieG is offline

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Help about repotting:  I think I made a mistake Female
Default Help about repotting: I think I made a mistake

I repotted my Sharry Baby, Zygo, Paphs, Beallaria, and Angrm. Sequipidale in Rays S/H pots with Prime Agra. I read that Phals don't really like this method, so I got the bright idea to repot my Phals and Cattleyas in Hydroton in Oxygen Core Dual pots. Seems like they look dry, and since there is not any reservoir of water, I feel like I have to water them every other day. Good Grief, this feels like a lot of watering, and I am afraid I am killing them.

Th reason I repotted all of them is because I over watered and killed some plants in the first place. So then I dehydrated my poor Vanda to death. My new Vanda is in a vase and I was soaking for 30 min every day. I reread the Vanda lady's post and realized she soaked once a week, so I am trying to wait longer between waterings, but all this is making me anxious.

Yesterday I went to my Naturopathics office, and he had 6 orchids there all in bloom, and said he had 4 more blooming at home. They were in bark and plastic pots set in ceramic pots and the top roots looked dried out. He said he waters once a week, never mists, never feeds and uses tap water that sits for 1 week before using! He said he has had them, and a couple of dozen others, for years and that orchids are the easiest plants. We live in Oklahoma, so these little guys sit in various windowsills. I don't understand how he manages blooms with this method of no feeding. I have always fed weakly/weekly.

I love my orchids and worry I potted the ones in Hydroton and Oxygen Core Dual pots wrong. Heck, right now I worry I am doing everything wrong! Any advice?
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Old 04-09-2013, 03:04 PM
The Orchid Kid The Orchid Kid is offline
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Help about repotting:  I think I made a mistake

Try not to worry too much! I did a repot yesterday and am concerned I packed the coconut husk in too tight and damaged fine roots - we'll all a bit unsure sometimes and doubt our cultivation skills.

Most orchids like a good water then to dry out, often completely. I have heard growing orchids is the art of controlled neglect. I am not sure on the specifics of growing in your clay ball medium though, but would think it is the same principal.

The orchids in that office are good, but could be maybe even better if he fed them a bit. But it seems he has the general culture down well.

Phals have a real easy way of showing when they need water - If the roots are grey water today, if the the roots are green you'll have to be mean! The actual roots on phals are very thin and the big thick roots you see are mostly the covering that retains waters when the medium is dry. If they are green they have plenty of water already stored for the roots to take up.
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Old 04-09-2013, 03:19 PM
Vanda lover Vanda lover is offline
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Help about repotting:  I think I made a mistake Female

I have a phal in s/h and it seems to blast buds easily.
I've been nervous about waiting a week before watering vandas in vases, too. You should mist them daily if you use this method. I have heard of people who don't feed their orchids and I find it a puzzle. How can they bloom with no food? Are people wasting their money on fertilizer? I somehow think that a fed orchid is a happy orchid. I know I like to eat.
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Old 04-09-2013, 03:40 PM
PaxTea PaxTea is offline

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Help about repotting:  I think I made a mistake Female

Don't forget the primary food groups: air, water, and light. Organic potting materials will have some nutrients as well.

A plant that isn't being fertilized is still eating. It's just not getting very many vitamins.
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orchids, pots, vanda, water, week, mistake, repotting

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