Help please- trimming multiple spikes.
Hi! I have a beautiful Phal with a ton of blooms! I bought it about 1 1/2 months ago with many buds but only two blooms. It is in a mulch pot that i water every 2 or so weeks when it feels dry to the touch. It sits by a window facing my porch- it's shaded but its strong Florida sun.. It seems to be doing well in this environment, I did suffer some bud blast (I think due to changing its environment when I bought it) and a few of the spikes have "died off" because of the bud blast - I attached a couple of pictures so you know What I mean. One spike is even turning brown... but i still have a few buds on other parts of the plant. Should I trim this or wait until all the blooms die? And most importantly HOW do I trim this? How far down, with scissors, etc- I'm a beginner and need all the help and step by step instructions I can get! Thank you!!
Last edited by FloridaOrchid; 04-03-2013 at 08:20 PM..