Morning, guys! I posted this on the Phal Abuse Ends Here forum last night, but I thought it might be better to start a new thread, so you can ignore the post there. I don't know how to delete it or I would (can you do that? If so, how?).
Anyway, can anyone tell me what this is on my phal's roots? Fiance caught me eyeballing an orchid when we were out the other day and surprised me last night. =) The plant looks very healthy, leaves roots and all. But there is some white fuzz on the bark and I am not sure if underneath the bark is fine bark or some kind of potting mix, I can't tell.
The roots have this weird scaled look on them and they are fuzzy. I am not sure if this is just because the plant is probably a clone hybrid or if it's because the aerial roots are dry or if it's something else? I have attached pictures. It looks like many of the roots up top closer to the surface as well as the bark have white fuzz. The fuzz on the exposed roots is green and a little bit of white. If I look through the pot there might be some white fuzz on the roots.
This orchid is in bloom, it's got about 13 flowers on it so I don't really want to repot it if I don't have to. Can anyone tell me what this is and how to fix it? Thanks!