Hey guys! I have a question about using growing lights. In the next couple of months, my fiance and I will be moving to a new apartment and it looks like we will be on the bottom floor with northwest facing windows.

This has made me quite sad, as I know orchids do not like those directions. Additionally, we had an old apartment with west facing windows that were heavily shaded by pine trees (pre-orchid) and my begonias were the most unhappy plants I've ever seen...we are currently in an apartment that faces south, and all of my plants are growing with vigor.
I would very much like to keep my plants alive and continue my orchid collection, so I'm considering setting up an area with growing lights for them in our new place. Does anyone have any recommendations? What kind, how many, how strong, how high should I hang them above the plants, do they put off a lot of heat, etc.? Any help would be great. Thanks!!