two questions both are phal- where to buy and how come the flowers are smaller?
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two questions both are phal- where to buy and how come the flowers are smaller?
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Old 03-12-2013, 06:20 PM
gardengirl13 gardengirl13 is offline
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two questions both are phal- where to buy and how come the flowers are smaller? Female
Default two questions both are phal- where to buy and how come the flowers are smaller?

OK first is the where to buy. I saw this flower in a terrarium at the orchid show I went to last week (you can see the link to the rest of the photos under orchid shows down below on the main forum page) and saw this cutie!

phalaenopsis mini mark "holm" photo - gardengirl13 photos at

It's a phalaenopsis mini mark "holm" and I'm looking to see where I may be able to buy one. I told myself no new orchids for a while since money is tight, but this little guy is just so cute! I've looked at most places and no one has any!!

For my second question, the first orchid I bought that I kept alive is ready to bloom. It's a NoID from HD or something like that. When I bought it it had large white blooms and about 10 of them. Every year since the blooms are slightly smaller and I only get maybe 4. It's very healthy and strong, so I don't think any thing may be wrong with it, but why isn't it as lush as when I bought it? It's in an east window, gets everything it needs water and humidity wise and is fairly large (it's leaves are about 8-9" long.

Any ideas?
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Old 03-12-2013, 06:29 PM
Tim C. Tim C. is offline

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two questions both are phal- where to buy and how come the flowers are smaller? Male

Phal. Mini Mark "Holm" is a classic Phal. cross, though I haven't seen it for sale at any online vendors for a while. I did see two on the sale table of a vendor at a local orchid society's show, which were the first I'd seen in many years. I'm not sure how often - if at all - these guys form keikis, but that might be the best way to obtain one yourself.

As for the other Phal: you may be doing everything you can for your Phal, and it may be happy how you have it, but you have to ask how much your conditions compare to where it was grown <i>before</i> it got to your big-box store for sale. Often times, plants destined for these places are heavily fed in greenhouse environments and "forced" into blooming to put on a big show for a quicker sale. No matter how hard we try, the conditions we give our plants indoors won't equal those of a greenhouse.

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Old 03-12-2013, 06:46 PM
quiltergal quiltergal is offline
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There is a Mini Mark on eBay right now. I know absolutely nothing about the seller. RARE Mini Phal Clone OFFER Mini Mark BS Plant 4 5 inches Leafspan | eBay

Is your NOID blooming from the same bloom spike or sending up a new spike. If it's blooming from an old spike it is normal for that spike to put out fewer and smaller flowers. A new spike will always out perform an old one in terms of flower count and size.
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Old 03-12-2013, 06:58 PM
Stray59 Stray59 is offline
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two questions both are phal- where to buy and how come the flowers are smaller? Male

And to add to that - commercial growers will cut off bloom spikes until they are ready to sell the plant; this allows the plant to save it's energy until the time for it to shine and then they produce the optimum blooms - they do this with a lot of commercial plants. But I agree - if you want the same size, same number, etc. blooms that the plant originally had, you will have to provide it with the same optimum conditions. Also, some varieties will perform in less than idea conditions better than others.
I have seen several miniature phalae's for sale at various places in Indianapolis - I really like the one you photoed; hope you find one you love!

---------- Post added at 03:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:49 PM ----------

Hey I think I tracked one down for you -
-here is a link to Clown Alley Orchids - they list 4" pots of Mini Mark 'Holm' for $30.00.
Clown Alley Orchids Phalaenopsis Orchid Catalog They list it under "Multi-floral Whites, Pinks, Harlequin and Blushes" near the bottom of the page-
I have never ordered from there, but maybe others have.
Good luck -

Last edited by Stray59; 03-12-2013 at 07:02 PM..
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Old 03-12-2013, 07:34 PM
WhiteRabbit WhiteRabbit is offline
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Do you fertilize?
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Old 03-12-2013, 07:34 PM
The Orchid Kid The Orchid Kid is offline
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two questions both are phal- where to buy and how come the flowers are smaller?

wow - what a lovely orchid!

was wondering - is ebay good for buying orchids or do people mostly use established nurseries with their own website etc.?
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Old 03-12-2013, 07:44 PM
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Ebay is fine. The thing with Ebay is that sometimes there are a few sellers that sell internationally.

Depending on your country's import/export laws and regulations, you have to make sure you get whatever proper documentation(s) you need to get them into your country without having them be confiscated or destroyed.

There are a growing number of international sellers on Ebay that currently provide CITES and phytosanitary paperwork, all you have to do is check if you need an import license and what the procedures are to import those plants.
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Old 03-12-2013, 10:46 PM
gardengirl13 gardengirl13 is offline
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two questions both are phal- where to buy and how come the flowers are smaller? Female

Originally Posted by WhiteRabbit View Post
Do you fertilize?
yes I do. I use a fert plus seaweed, and am currently experimenting with vodka, from the thread a few months ago. I do it weakly weekly, 1/4 strength each time I water.

It's a new spike. I've had the plant for three years now, maybe longer, back then I didn't shoot it the first day I got them as record. Wish I had! It's bloomed well for me each later winter. But only about 4 blooms. Not that I'm complaining, this is the first orchid I got to rebloom for me so he's kind of my pride and joy for that reason. He's the one who got me into orchids!

Here he is in 2010 with his first rebloom for me (I think) 128268261 photo - gardengirl13 photos at

I'll have to look at that ebay seller, and the clown seller too. It's not really first on my list of must haves, but seeing it last week for the first time I really fell in love!
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