Boy I hope this boat can hold all of us!! I have a "collector personality" - since my teens I have collected plants, antiques, glassware, brick-brack of all nature - and right now most of my collection is in boxes in storage. The thing about a personal orchid collection, especially if we are the only orchidist in the home, we don't get the two weeks vacation or holidays off - the collection demands attention and if we don't follow through, the rest of the year we are just repairing damage done by the period of neglect which kind of defeats the purpose. We need to have the ability to say "Children, I love you but I just can't stand the sight of you right now" once in a while!
I always keep my partner informed of immediate care needs IN CASE of my required absence, but that really doesn't help too much.
Thinning out is necessary to me - I find orchids that are bargains, or that I bought because I did NOT know what they were, and later realize I don't need them and they are just taking up time and resources on my bench. I think such 'pruning back' has to be pretty regular for the long time grower and it gives you a good way of making new connections with people that you 'gift' them too - kind of paying it forward a little!
Thanks for the generosity with your plants - seems a lot of people will get lucky due to your burn-out! Best of luck - and realize that one day soon, some little stray orchid will probably catch your eye and you will be off purchasing never really stops....not really.