Thanks for all the information!
I believe i will cut the spike down and hope it will start growing again in a few months
As for the roots, i cheked them on february 18 (not so long ago, since i got it on the 14) and the roots looked fine, the roots that had air contact were green and looked nice but the ones that were more buried in the bark/perlite/moss mix were a whitish color, i dont know if its because they were watered too much because when i got it, the plastic pot was sitting in water inside of the decoration pot. Ive only watered her once with orchid food 5-6-7. The brand is called Chrysal orchid food drops and come in a pack of 12 and im supposed to feed it every two months. Is the number of the fertilizer alright? Ive never seen another orchid food with this number!
Thank you guys