Well, that can only be answered by the plant. lol
Ok, the joke aside, Hannah, I have two phals that do this. Well, one did, the other is doing that right now.
Plants just do their things sometimes I think. nothing wrong. Certain phals do not follow the strict growing&flowering pattern.
My phal hybrid Taida Blushing (large white with some pink blushing around the center, red lip, rather small plant which is nice!) I bought last spring came with six flowers. About one month or so later, the tip elongated making two more buds while dropping off two or three of the older flowers.
After all the flowers were gone, I left the spent spike as I normally do. Two branching spikes grew in the late fall and now I see a few buds about to open.
The other phal is Sogo Grape, waxy red and very fragrant phal hybrid, bought last summer with a few flowers. This plant seems to be one of those ever bloomer. As older flowers fade, new buds are made at the growing spike end. It is almost like a pattern for this particular plant to make new buds at the same time dropping old flowers.
Come to think of it, I have some super mini phals that do the same thing.