I do not cut any spent spikes unless they turn brown and dry up on their own. or if they poke into my eyes often when I walk by them and this does happen to me! lol
I also cut the type whose spikes continue to elongate forever! At some point, they look ugly to me, so I'd rather have a new one instead of old dangly spike with a few blooms at the tip.
With the more standard type of phals, I find cutting at certain length does not necessarilly stilmulate reblooming.
You want to let the plant to decide. Branching may occur at any node below the node where the first flower were made. You can see these little swelling. Then you can cut off whatever's beyond that point.
I am currently enjoying about 4 phals that are reblooming from the old spikes.
I love to have flowers around and I like to get the most out of my bang, so it's great for me!

I find that some hybrids never rebloom, and not always but usually these are the ones that terminate their spikes by browning as soon as all the flowers fade.
Gotta love phals!