Thanks for all the tips on orchid board
Got given a phal from mum after it's done its blooming in October which is a healthy mature plants with 10+ leaf.
Since gotten it, I have repotted into new bark medium seeing that I wasn't sure how long it had been in the old medium for, and I found great root mass with no root rot

. I water it with weak fertiliser each time.
It's happily growing a new leaf at the moment. And while I was checking on it today, I found total of 5 nubs around the base of the plants (one is definitely root because it's growing downwards), and as you can see on the picture, there are two more nubs, and this "whitish" ? nub looking structure which I cant seem to tell what it is although I first noticed it 2 weeks ago and it hadn't shown any change.
Anyone know what it is?
And hopefully one of the nubs will turn out to be spike!