hello, Wild Orchid. sorry for the long silence. life is unfolding continuously and it changes the way one does things. what once seemed regularly doable becomes a rarity, if not all but forgotten.
the state of this particularly sad dendrobium nobile which brought me to orchid-board was my re-introduction to orchids. i am sorry to say that it was not a success.
on hindsight, having come through my first year with orchids in Finland, the death of the orchid was not merely caused by severe dehydration but my overzealous desire to save it without the knowledge that i now possess. the roots took quite a beating -- i should have not cut so much away; experience tells me they were not "dead" as i previously thought. the rest of the story is in my previous posts on this thread.
on the bright side, i did learn quite a bit from last year but i still need to strike a balance between moist and dry, which seems to be rather critical at winter time. here are some photos of my (mis)adventures from last year, as far as nobiles are concerned.
i rescued this from a friendly and accomodating florist in town. how determined i was to make up for my mistakes.
in Uusikaupunki summer is approaching and i have plenty of keikis (i know, i am too avid a waterer!) but a few surprises, two inflorescence are emerging.
looking forward to next winter's surprises and challenges.