New leaves growing from the flower stem on Phalaepnosis
I have 6 Phalaepnosis, and they have been blooming for two years, suddenly they have stopped, new growth of leaves has emerged, but one particular one has developed a cluster of new leaves on the flower stem, I have never seen this, is this means I am doing good? I am new in the orchid world and know nothing about them, all I know is to water them and give them TLC
You have a keiki, a baby, a whole new Phal. Congratulations. Don't do anything now, let it remain on the stem. When the keiki has grown at least 3 roots, about 2" long, you can then remove it from the mother plant and put it in seedling mix or sphag.. It will require more attention when watering (more, constant moisture but not sopping wet conditions) and also, patience. It'll take a couple of years before it's mature and blooming size.