I really enjoy growing my plants in sh because I get such good results. There are two problems though... 1. It's not all that pretty and 2. It's very heavy especially since I hate plastic and choose glass vases instead. I'm a 'younger' male, quite fit and strong... And even for me, watering these plants is a full body workout. So I decided to try something new...
I got these 'globes' at my garden center when they had a post Xmas sale. They ended up being pretty cheap. Anyway, I had to keep weight under control because they're made of glass and I don't need glass globes taking gravity up on its offer and smashing all over my grow area. S I didn't want to use hydroton, or at least not much. So I went light and used grow stones too, which are super light. Finally I stuff fresh moss into the rest of the globes space and tipped the plants into the remaining space. I am concerned about air flow and root rot but the roots the plants have are brand new and already growing in moss... I feel they will adapt and live fine. The back of the globe has another opening to help with air flow and a majority of the globe is hydroton and grow stones so I think air flow will actually be pretty good. I will do my best to keep it evenly moist. Anyway... To the pics.

In the second pic you might be able to see the other hole in the back.
I can tip the entire thing over to let all excess water drain out the back. The only thing I may change is making the grow stones all the way up to the hole to aid in better air movement.