i looked at my phals today for the first time in a month (i was at college, my mother being the chid sitter) and came home to find that two of my orchids were putting out a spike each. one of them is one that i got DOA almost and is now still reviving. it is a year and a half old, while the other one is a year old and i got it last january. this is the first success with spikes ever and i am super excited to see two of my orchids bloom again. One of them is fighting to be my favorite one (because my favorite one may be on its last leg

) i am very sad about my favorite one because i got it at a greenhouse this july and it is the one that i have always wanted. now it is being wierd and has leafs dying and wierd clear beady substance extruding from the leafs

all in due time i guess i will see if it lives. but i am still happy about my first spike success!