What should I do with this Phal orchid?
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Old 01-14-2013, 02:46 PM
mattryan mattryan is offline
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I meant Fahrenheit, not Celsius. So your orchids are actually growing at -1- +7 degrees Celsius. I only let my cyms down that low..Somebody please chime in. Love to see a picture of them. Considering Phals are warm growing and shouldn't go below 57degrees Fahrenheit (14 degrees Celsius). I have no idea how you have anything growing in those temps. I am only posting in Celsius because most outside of U.S. use it...gets a bit fusing sometimes. Look forward to some pics. Would definitely shatter how low can a phal be grown.

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Old 01-14-2013, 02:56 PM
Ordphien Ordphien is offline
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What should I do with this Phal orchid? Male

I'm currently not at home... Orchid shopping at trader Joe's lol.
When I get back I'll get a pic of a phal next to my thermometer.
For now I can post a pic of my amabilis in that window in the kitchen I mentioned.

To be honest it might have to do with my specific micro climate. It dips below freezing and winter is spent in the 30 - 40's. But all my tropical thrive outdoors and my gardenias are all blooming.

I should mention that those temps only happen at night. During the day we average 50... And our winters aren't very long. My house spends maybe a month or two in those temps.
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Old 01-14-2013, 02:57 PM
Ordphien Ordphien is offline
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What should I do with this Phal orchid? Male

I forgot the pic...
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Old 01-14-2013, 02:58 PM
Ordphien Ordphien is offline
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What should I do with this Phal orchid? Male

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Old 01-14-2013, 07:40 PM
supersheep supersheep is offline

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What should I do with this Phal orchid?

Thanks for the replies. I haven't got any proper figures for temperature I'm afraid, as I don't have a thermometer. And it changes too much here as well. (UK weather really is crazy!)

Last week it was quite warm outside (10-15 c) and this week it's set to be about -1 to -3 C. Obviously that is outside, but because we don't have the central heating on all day and night, and the windows aren't double glazed and a bit drafty, the house can lose it's heat quickly. That's why I've started bringing it in from the windowsill at nights.

As for the bark, it's mainly chunky bark, like bark chippings, which I packed lightly, so it's very airy. I did soak the bark before I repotted, but maybe not for long enough?

I have just been misting the top of the bark every day, but one of the other roots looks like it's rotting now... It's firm near the top, rotting near the bottom, so shall I cut it all off, or just the bottom of the root?

Do you think it would be better repotted? I've read about bag methods, but I'm not too sure about these...

Do you think the drooping leaves then are mainly because it isn't getting enough water? Would misting the back of the leaves help?

Sorry for all the questions, but I'm confused... I just fear if I repot again, it'll just start rotting again... And I don't seem very good at getting the watering level right!

But thanks for all the help!
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Old 01-14-2013, 09:25 PM
mattryan mattryan is offline
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We've all been in your place many times over...I would personally not be afraid going a day past watering. If you feel that your phal isn't gettting enough water, do what alot of us do. Get some wooden skewers like you use for shrimp. You can get them at the dollar store or the equivalent in the U.K. When you feel the need to water check the skewer if wet don't water (put into mix and leave). It is really easy to see if you are over watering, also look at the roots if they are green I don't water when they get white time to water. Now with you having few roots, small pot and mist. I would probably not water through the pot very often as if the pot is too big..invitation to rot all over again. If you are comfortable then your phal will be, they pretty much like the same temps. Your potting mix sounds perfect, especially if you are heavy with the watering. Also please don't get down if your orchid goes the way of the dodo...we've all been there and put it down to a learning experience. Don't ever feel bad about asking for advice. We have all been there and if not for the peeps before us that advised us we could never have gotten to where we are today. We all share a love for orchids of many different types and growing conditions may vary, but we all have advice and some works and some won't, but most times alot of it does..check out the sticky's Good luck!



---------- Post added at 08:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:17 PM ----------

Sorry Ordphien didn't get a chance to reply to your post was afraid on quick post would run outta space. Very good growing 2 spikes very nice. Gosh up here in Canada if I put pretty much anything outside in those temps adios to everything..which hubby wouldn't be too upset with except I'd have to buy it all back lol. Love to know how you do it...could become a sticky, I find it really interesting it goes against everything the books, experts, growers, everyone says. Very interesting maybe the reason for the multiple spikes. Congrats very good growing!!

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Old 01-14-2013, 10:03 PM
Ordphien Ordphien is offline
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What should I do with this Phal orchid? Male

Originally Posted by mattryan View Post


---------- Post added at 08:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:17 PM ----------

Sorry Ordphien didn't get a chance to reply to your post was afraid on quick post would run outta space. Very good growing 2 spikes very nice. Gosh up here in Canada if I put pretty much anything outside in those temps adios to everything..which hubby wouldn't be too upset with except I'd have to buy it all back lol. Love to know how you do it...could become a sticky, I find it really interesting it goes against everything the books, experts, growers, everyone says. Very interesting maybe the reason for the multiple spikes. Congrats very good growing!!

I hope my phone does that right...
That's my thing.. it gets very cold here but it never frosts snows or freezes.
It's well known in my area that semi tropical and tropical plants do best despite our cooooold winters.
I tried to do a temperate garden once... it died... the sun is too harsh I think...
I couldn't begin to tell you why it's working but it is... the biggest contributing factor is probably the fact that I live near but inland of southern California's coast... And I live next to a lake.. in a series of canyons...
If that makes sense...
I don't know... I don't recommend keeping them in those temps... I'm sure in most areas those temps are death... but in mine their not.
Perhaps the biggest thing is that all factors are variable from location to location.
Summer is my issue.... 80 or above and the tropical and my orchids start wilting... it's just too much.
I realised that a picture probably matters more if I actually take it when those temps are reached... instead of hijacking this person's thread any longer I'll post it in my recent amabilis thread in the species section.
I couldn't tell you how I do it I think sums it up. To be honest I spent days on here about 4 years ago learning from all, of you how to take care of my phals.
My methods basic.
Planted in the orchid pot... the media is bark with perlite and chopped sphagnum moss. I water via the skewer method when it's not wet but cold.
I use RODI water and fertilize about a quarter strength every other watering. Near the end of the month I do a final watering with a half mix of tap and RODI water. Next time it's time to water I soak in RODI to remove salt buildup.
Other than that the plants are at the mercy of our weather and our Sun.
On another side note I find phals are able to handle a lot more Sun at my house than suggested.
That's it though...

Don't most phals get multiple spikes?
That's the result actually of it sending up a new spike the same time it sent out one from a node on an old spike that my fiancee accidentally karate chopped in half last year.
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Old 01-15-2013, 02:56 PM
supersheep supersheep is offline

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What should I do with this Phal orchid?

Thanks for the help Cheryl.

I'll try repotting it again in a small clear pot and just mist it.

The roots are looking a bit unhealthy, so before I repot it, I'm not sure if I need to do something about them. The two remaining roots are both broken, though the inner thread is still ok. One root is still all firm and one root is mushy, but only at the end.

So shall I leave the roots as they are, or cut them off at the break, or just cut the mushy bit off? Or cut them off where they meet the main stem?

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Old 01-15-2013, 05:30 PM
mattryan mattryan is offline
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I would give a soak in peroxide and once bubbles stop take out rinse off..repot and leave it be. Put it in bathroom for humidity and hope for the best. You can dust the end of the root where it's got some rot, not the whole root with cinnamen. Sometimes they will grow sometimes not good luck!

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Old 01-15-2013, 07:03 PM
supersheep supersheep is offline

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What should I do with this Phal orchid?

Thanks Cheryl

I've repotted it with the two roots as they are. I dusted with cinnamon the other cut roots and where the current roots were getting mushy.

I let the bark soak overnight before I repotted it and have lightly misted the top of the bark and the leaves.

So, I hope that's ok? As the leaves are still drooping a lot, shall I continue to mist the leaves a couple of times a day? Shall I mist the top of the bark regularlytoo, or wait until the medium's completely dried out?

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bit, leaves, medium, orchid, roots, phal

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