Repot or not? When?
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Old 01-13-2013, 04:38 AM
tsun1108 tsun1108 is offline

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Repot or not? When? Female
Default Repot or not? When?

I bought this mature flowering NoID white phalaenopsis from local market as a bargain 1 week ago.

It was 60% flowering at that time with 4-5 buds on the spike. As you can see, since I have gotten it, the rest of the buds all bloomed and one of the one at the end is just about to bloom.

I have a few questions re this plant

1) The plant seems to be sitting a bit too high and in a funny angle which looks like it's about to topple over and is only being supported via the stake.

2) The plant has been planted in what looks like a bark mix and with a clear pot which unfortunately has got quite a bit of algae in it (the seller reassured that it's common for clear pot and is not harmful for the plant).

Peaking through the pot, I can see some green rots and not sure if there is any rotten one as I cannot see through algea.

3) One of the bottom leaf is slightly wrinkled but otherwise green without signs of yellowing.

My question is, should I repot this plant?

If so when would be the best timing? After it finishes flowering?

I have attached the pictures of the plant and sorry for the crappy smartphone camera quality.

Your opinion will be much appreciated seeing I am very new to the orchid world (but already getting a little addicted!)

PS: the pot looks rather wet so personally I have not watered it at all since I have gotten it. Also it's summer in NZ currently therefore I have put this plant facing a SE window but rather far without any direct sunlight.
Attached Thumbnails
Repot or not? When?-photo-1-1-jpg   Repot or not? When?-photo-2-1-jpg   Repot or not? When?-photo-3-1-jpg   Repot or not? When?-photo-4-1-jpg  

Last edited by tsun1108; 01-13-2013 at 04:41 AM.. Reason: Additional information
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Old 01-13-2013, 10:10 AM
SlipperGirl SlipperGirl is offline
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Repot or not? When? Female

If I where you I would cut off the flower spike and repot it. Because the plant is showing sines of stress or has been over watered. If the plant is over watered then you will want to go cut the bad roots off. Also the plant to me does not look like it is potted right. If you repot it put it in a new pot. Again this is just what I would do
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Old 01-13-2013, 11:48 AM
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1. The reason why the Phal is "potted at a funny angle" is because most Phals DO NOT grow upright in the wild. There are now a reasonable amount of photos and videos you can search on the web of Phals growing in the wild. It is the person's attempt to leave the Phal growing the way it would eventually naturally orient itself over time should the person ever try to grow it straight up.

If you tried to grow the Phal perfectly upright, guess what, in a matter of 1 month you would see the Phal "leaning" on the side of the pot and I would predict, (with a fairly high amount of precision), that your next post will be regarding this "strange phenomenon" when it really isn't strange at all, (not for the people who are aware of how Phals naturally grow, and definitely not for the Phal itself).

Here's a link to a YouTube video that shows a Phal growing in the wild:

2. The algae will not hurt the orchid.

3. I would recommend repotting the plant to see how the roots are and if the potting media needs to be replaced.

Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 01-13-2013 at 11:56 AM..
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Old 01-13-2013, 01:19 PM
tsun1108 tsun1108 is offline

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Repot or not? When? Female

Should I just get on with cutting spike off and repot or have a peak at the root and if they look ok put them back into medium and let it be?
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Old 01-13-2013, 02:04 PM
bballr4567 bballr4567 is offline
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That needs new medium. It looks like its broke down a lot (it shouldnt be a solid mix but rather chunky bark) and it looks really dehydrated.

I can bet that there are lots of rotted roots in that one. Sorry.

Pull it out and check it. If there are no good roots just see if you want to wait two years for more blooms from it.
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Old 01-13-2013, 05:34 PM
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If the roots look good, I wouldn't cut the spike immediately. Get it repotted and rehydrated first, if the overall plant looks good, keep the spike. If the roots are bad and the plant is struggling, cut the spike.
Anon Y Mouse

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." Hanlon’s Razor

I am not being argumentative. I am correcting you!

LoL Since when is science an opinion?
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Old 01-13-2013, 05:44 PM
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And read the thread at the top of this forum:, a lot of good information on phals.
Anon Y Mouse

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." Hanlon’s Razor

I am not being argumentative. I am correcting you!

LoL Since when is science an opinion?
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Old 01-15-2013, 03:16 AM
tsun1108 tsun1108 is offline

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Repot or not? When? Female

Great - shall make repotting my weekend project then!

In the meantime I have been searching for new medium and been to a few garden centres, and this is the only pre-made orchid potting mix I have found. It's called Yates Orchid Potting mix (which contains coarse bark for better drainage and peat nodules) - I tried attaching the company website but unfortunately OB wouldn't let me put a URL link.

The lady at orchid department suggested that I buy these pre-made ones rather than mixing my own...

(Don't think with NZ's strict laws on medium would allow me to buy any from places like repotme!)
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Old 01-15-2013, 09:48 AM
Paul Mc Paul Mc is offline
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Sadly, your right about the laws...

I'd be a bit skeptical of the peat pellets personally. They tend to hold a lot of moisture and have done damage to my Phals in the past. But that's just me.

I use a large chunk bark with a tad of horticulture charcoal mixed with some perlite chunks.
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Old 01-16-2013, 10:21 PM
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Tsun, nice looking phal there. You live in a very good place for growing phals. I buy a bark that comes from NZ and it is great. It is a very hard fir bark and you should be able to find some in NZ. There is also some awesome volcanic cinder/lava rock in most of NZ that would make a great media in which to grow your phal. NZ spagnum moss is some of the best in the world so you could also use that. Just look around and see what you can find. If you want to use spagnum moss, just be sure that you don't pack the moss too tightly around the roots. Orchidman showed you a great picture that can guide you to repotting your phal once the flowers die back. The media it is growing in now doesn't look that bad but it does look a little old. Just don't water it much right now. The wrinkling of the leaf is natural too. The plant just put out a lot of energy to produce that flower spike and the leaves of phals is where the plant stores energy since it has no storage space in a pseudobulb like say cattleyas or dendrobuims. So enjoy your orchid for now and when the flowers start to drop, cut the flower spike off completely and repot into what you can find from the small incomplete list I gave you. Please keep us informed.
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