I thought to get blue in a white Phal flower you needed to inject a silver compound into the flower stem. I didn't think it worked with food colouring on phals though I could be wrong. I know some flowers like daisies respond but not every plant does. The blue phals are definitely dyed though and I think it's with a silver compound.
When you are in a Hd or Lowes or any other of a bunch of stores that sell all the odd colored plants. Take a good look at the exposed roots Some of them will be all kinds of weird. I asked someone at a GH once and was told that food dye was injected in the plants.
I have a couple of cheapo neos (suppose to be resting) and a dryadella with some pinky-purple root tips. Not all the roots and just on the tender tips.
Anon Y Mouse
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." Hanlon’s Razor
I am not being argumentative. I am correcting you!