Is there anything wrong with having a big, sprawling cattleya?
I have two mature catts, not currently in bloom. They were potted in pure sphagnum when I bought them, and with the first catt, I didn't realize that initially, and overwatered it. When I repotted it, I had to cut away many of the rotted roots. I removed as much sphag as I could (it actually wasn't in bad condition) and potted it in a 6" cube pot filled with bark, perlite and charcoal. The pot will allow 3-4 new growths to fit comfortably in it, but now I'm concerned that the mix might be staying too wet in the middle.
The second catt didn't suffer the same overwatering fate as the first, but I also didn't remove as much original sphagnum from the roots because I didn't want to damage them. Now, in hindsight, I think I should have removed it, and I plan to repot it again very soon.
My question: if I want to keep them as big plants, can I repot them into a sponge rock/charcoal/coco husk mix that will, with any luck, keep the middle of the pot a little airier? Or should I divide them and put the two halves in 4" pots? Will dividing them help them grow better?
Here's a photo of the two catts (not where they normally live; they're on that bench just for the photo). The pots have 4 large drainage holes on the bottom, so there is no problem with water not draining away.
Thanks in advance.
Last edited by ALToronto; 12-30-2012 at 04:48 PM..