I bought a couple of Phals in full flower in July/August. After the flowers dropped I trimmed the stems to just above what I though was the second node (although I think it might actually have been the third node).
A couple of weeks ago new stems started branching from the highest node, which had me delighted. I watered the plant and fed it using miracle-gro just before leaving for a week to visit my family for Christmas.
When I got back, I discovered that my Phal had thrown up a brand new flower spike in addition to the branches from the old spikes, as you can see in the picture.
My question is, should I cane and leave to grow all three spikes? Or should I cut the two old ones down to the base of the plant and leave just the one?
The plant was a garden store classic, it lives on a north/north-east facing windowsill in London. Unfortunately I don't think I can post photos directly but I have put pics on my Picasa album:
Thanks for your help!