Alright everybody here we go...
First off ThanX to everybody for the ever so prompt responses and the wonderful information. Now is where I respond to the I guess?? hehe anyways.
Originally Posted by rsfrid
The pot shard is a plus (neat!)
due to the medium a stick wouldn’t stay upright it just kept leaning over w/ the plant so I had a pot and hammer hehehe
Originally Posted by quiltergal
The first couple of waterings I would use a couple drops of KLN by DynaGro, or Superthrive. Both contain a rooting hormone and will promote new root growth. Then you too can chant Ross's mantra "Roots are good, roots are good"
ok I found a bottle or superthrive at a lowes and according to this I mix a bit w/ my fertilizer but due to the very porous nature of the medium should I mix the fert. and Sthrive up in a bowl and set my plant in it for a bit or no (if yes about how 10 or 15 min??)
and trust me "roots are good" is not the only thing ive been chanting lately
Originally Posted by gmdiaz
And I must say. . .that's the greatest thread title ever! ROFLOLOL
I figure the purpose of a title is to get someone’s attention and if it didn’t get your guys attention then at lease it would warn other Phals to run.
Originally Posted by cb977
Do you have any other orchids? We'd love to see some more pics and hear more about what you're growing.
Where are you located? Do you grow indoors or outdoors?
If you have any questions, feel free to ask 
My location is Jacksonville FL, Im growing indoors on an east facing window, and my complete list of orchid is as follows: one and only one Phal

I didnt and dont want to know what color it is so i didnt ask, i also removed the id tag before i saw what color was on it.

i like suprises.
This is my first orchid and due to current living arrangements I am maxed out on plant space hopefully in the near future that will change and ill have more room for more plants and more ultimate desire is to raise an orchid from seed, more specifically a Paphiopedilum Maudiae

For the record....this is not my plant this is only what i want to rais some day.
so ive been doing tons and tons of reading regarding tube vials and glove boxes so that im better prepared when the time comes
and allow me to quote myself here for a min
Originally Posted by thecanfield
?? nub?? center?? shaft?? (please tell me what this part is called)
what is that part of the plant called
I guess that basically wraps it up for me only other that I left out is the fact that my other plants you asked about are the hard to kill ones I have 2 spider plants ive been razing from babies, a golden pothos I bought at home depot and a golden pothos ive been hydoponicly growing from a clipping off the first pothos ... all are doing great im going to drop a bit of this super thrive in the bottle w/ the pothos and see what happens anyways this is definitely enough typing for one reply
ThanX again