just got given 3 sick phalaenopsis :)
The owner of the local flower shop in nelson just gave me 3 sick orchids for free and told me she is going to give me all of her sick orchids from now on, Because i showed her the orchid i got from her with only 2 roots today and she was astonished by how well it was doing XD i'm sooo freaking stoked right now lol. i will be sharing these ladies once i have tissue cultured and multiplied them so check back here now and then for your chance to get some free baby orchids.
Just couldnt contain myself and had to share :P thanks for listening
P.s. i am also going to take this opportunity to explore the effectiveness of pacloutrazol to induce root growth when used on it's own because i think there is serious potential there and i always give my sick plants a dip in paclobutrazol anyways because it stops the spread of fungal and bacterial disease and gives treated plants a better chance at fighting off the infection and resuming normal growth so i know i wont run into any problems already which is good because i can focus on the root growth effects instead of figuring out all aspects of what it is doing to the plant. The only thing i will be doing differently this time is leaving auxins out of the equation.
so for those of you interested in this you might want to check back here from time to time as well because i am going to post the results here as i get them.
Last edited by KultureShock; 12-21-2012 at 06:23 PM..