Hey Zach, I'll tell you what you want to know if you tell me where you got your plant... Hahaha! j/k

Tho I sure would appreciate a PM to clue me in.
AFAIK Meiracyllium is considered to be in the Laeliinae, pretty sure Withner included it in one of his amazing volumes on that tribe. There are definitely some genera within Laeliinae that seem slightly more Pleurothallidinae-ish, though, and I'm not sure how much work has been done on the systematics of these more obscure species.
Googling the genus name turns up a good few hits with cultural info on various forums, including a number
here. Just looking at the bottom of the thread page will show you other threads with similar keywords, at least it does on my interface. If you need more help/clarification I would try PM'ing those posters, some (eg Lars Kurth, Tom-DE) are still active here and elsewhere.
From what you describe, your plant could have a pathogen problem. Try searching for use of salicylic acid or Trichoderma for control of fungal pathogens in orchids.
Hope this helps! This is a gorgeous little species, let us know how it does. Welcome to Orchidboard!