Phal refuses to grow...
I have a phal that absolutely refuses to grow. I got it as my first orchid almost 2 years ago and it rebloomed once. I tried sphag and bag, using a heat pad, lower light, higher light, SuperThrive, organic fertilizers, no fertilizer, pure water, ect. And i didn't just try these things for a little while. It has 2 leaves that don't get any bigger and it doesn't get any new leaves. Almost 2 years ago it got root rot and started to recover and then it bloomed but I cut the spike after the first 2 blooms opened and it hasn't grown since. Other phals I saved from root rot did great and got tons of leaves and roots. This is a noid phal that blooms white with a few purple spots. The roots aren't in active growth and it doesn't have too many roots. It is about 6" under T8 lights, 50% humidity, and 70F to 80F. I grow all my other orchids under T5 lights.
Anyone have any tips or suggestions?