The Aerial Roots are withering and leaves Wrinkle
Hi everyone,
picure 1 - after trimming numbers of dry aerial root
picture 2 - left 3 healtier aerial roots only ('green colour')
picture 3 leaf wrinkle
My Ascocenda is growing but slow, only one tiny baby root from one of the healter aerial root appear after putting effort for past one month. Could it be still not engouh watering or fertilize? I only gives fertilize of leaves once weekly.
Anyone can advice me whats the best humidity for ascocenda? Cos may be I try to start monitor it and decided the frequent to water it. Or best is get it trim and re-pot?
I found there are dry and cracking aerial roots at the edge of frame, shall I cut them off? But will this harm my plant further cos it has few roots functioning...I think.
All advice are welcome, thanks in advance