I'm a newcomer to this forum and to orchids as well, but an old hand a 'normal plants'. I got my first orchid(cym) in May 2006, and now I have 4 phals and a burrangeara as well.
I need some pros enlightment on a problem I have.... Last May a family friend gave me a piece of orchid she had divided. As it wasn't in flower, I don't know what it is and she can't remember. It seems to be a miltonia (in my limited knowledge!!) It's 15cm long and had many white healthy roots and I potted it in a 6cm pot with a standard orchid bark mix I watered carefully, no fertilizer. A month afterwards the roots started dying, and there have been none since July. However the plant itself is in good shape, but doesn't grow (not surprisingly!!)
My question: Is there any way to stimulate root growth, or is it doomed to die a long slow death??
I'll try to attach a picture. ID of this unknown plant would also be appreciated!!