Thanks everyone, decent information can be searched out easily, but I've found it is always best when in conversation (or some such mimic) about things. I finished a spreadsheet and all the inventory details are absolutely necessary, I have a great memory for now but having the sheet keeps the ideas in different culture techniques comparatively active and organized, especially if you're going through a hyper-attentive stage like me and need to plan to forget your Dens.
Carrie, I have some superthrive, but also I read in some article that indole-3-butyric acid (the auxin in ST) does not affect any orchid, so I haven't been using it with them. I just saw your post in the fertilizer thread about it working at 2 drops/gal so I will try it out. Root soak or foliar application? All of your orchids get it? Does anyone know if any particular orchids are sensitive to ST even at this low concentration?
Bud, the plan is to put more distance between the plants and the double paned glass as it gets colder, with a space heater that doesn't have a fan in the corner two feet to the left of the rack. I didn't do it last year and they were ok, but I think this will create more of an insulating convection current as the air against the windows falls and pulls down the warmer air from the ceiling.
My culture sheet for Neo says very light feeding once a month, Carrie, yours seems like it gets more than that and is fine. I have the variegated Higashide miyako, and since I literally got it less than a week ago, Bud, and have never cared for a Vanda, I really can't "keep doing what I'm doing" since I'm trying not to shock it. The plan before I got a Vanda was to get some sort of small fountain set up. Oops, good thing these Neos like it cooler. I'm Just Saying, Thanks for the Neo link!
Leafmite, when using rainwater it usually has caught a leaf or seven or ends up in a bin that has dirt in it, if it's not from the bin I'll use it for mist, but otherwise I soak the less-sensitive-to-salt types for what I just learned from you is not long enough. Thanks for the roots tip.

If I happen to get a lot of water on the leaves of the Pleurothallis, non-bulb part of Howeara, or any of the Phal's crowns, I dry the tops/central area. Only the Oncids, Tolumnia, and Neo get their leaves/bulbs sprayed. I flush the ones in clay pots when I see white crystals on the outside.
Also, I created a new rooting media this year which I think would be better for Phals since it improves airflow to the roots over the usual sphagnum moss, but I am using it with my Oncidiums and Dens and they both like it. Sound Good?