What kind of orchid is this?
This is my first time on this website. So hopefully the pictures I'm attaching come through. I am looking for some help to identify an orchid.
I had several orchids given to me 2 years ago. There were no tags on them so have no idea what kind they are. I have no luck growing orchids. Only have two left. One has bloomed for me a couple of times now, and from what I've been able to find on the web I think it's an Oncidium. I have attached a picture.
But the other one has never bloomed and I am having a hard time figuring out what it is. I think it may be a Coryanthes. I am attaching a picture of it as well. Hopefully someone can tell me what it is and how to take care of it.
Thank you in advance for any information you can give me.