Unsure about root system on Dendrobium Orchid plus a few questions!
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Unsure about root system on Dendrobium Orchid plus a few questions!
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Old 10-23-2012, 01:08 AM
Momo Momo is offline
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Unsure about root system on Dendrobium Orchid plus a few questions! Female
Default Unsure about root system on Dendrobium Orchid plus a few questions!

Hello, everyone! I just recently took the plunge with my grandmother and bought an Dendrobium orchid! I'm completely new at this so I have a few questions I would love to have answered, if possible.

I brought this little baby home about two days ago. I just love it so I definitely want to do all I can to try and help it thrive. I took it out of the pot since the media was mostly sphagnum moss with a little bark and it was packed too tightly. I repotted it into a bark, perlite, and charcoal mix but I did not water it since it had been stuck up against the wet sphagnum.

First question, the roots. No surprise there, right? Now, I know that brown roots more than likely means root rot. Well, for these guys, they are brown, definitely not white or green like they are supposed to be but they are not mushy or hollow though so are they still alive or are they dead or nearly dead? What should I do with them as far as removal if needed and watering?

Secondly, fertilizing. Should I start using it as soon as I start watering? Or should I wait till I have healthier roots? I have Better Gro Orchid Plus fertilizer at 20-14-13 and it says to use 1 teaspoon per gallon so should I cut that amount in half and use half a teaspoon since the rule of thumb is weakly, weekly?

Lastly, lighting. I have the dendrobium sitting on a table next to a southern facing window. I get sunlight pretty much all day till the sun goes down. Is that going to be a problem for the orchid? I know to watch for sunburns on the leaves but I just wanted to know what people thought.

Thanks in advance for all the help you can give me! I appreciate it!
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Old 10-23-2012, 02:42 AM
Momo Momo is offline
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Unsure about root system on Dendrobium Orchid plus a few questions! Female

Well, more good news... not. I just found a teeny tiny clear bug on the edge of a flower petal. I want to say it looked like an aphid since it almost looked... flea-like? It was just too small to get a good picture of it. I also found a teeny tiny white/cottony bug underneath one of the leaves. My mother removed it but she couldn't say for sure it was a bug. I'm going to assume it was.

Either which way, mealy bug or aphid, it looks like something was eating it's way up or down the stem since I see little droplets of sap every few centimeters. Unless that is normal? Wishful thinking.

So, how should I deal with this as well? Would using a pesticide be beneficial or harmful for the plant or could I just use a soap and water mix, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be effective for both would it?

Sorry for the question overload. It seems I'm just finding a bunch of things that I need help with tonight.
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Old 10-23-2012, 10:01 AM
nutgirl nutgirl is offline
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Nice dendrobium. Your conditions sound good.

I think the south window should be just right for winter, maybe not enough light for summer.

Your roots look OK. They may just be stained by the medium they were in. Dendrobium phalaenopsis will grow new ones when the new growth starts to appear.

There are various solutions to the bugs. You might search Orchid Board for some suggestions.

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Old 10-23-2012, 01:41 PM
Momo Momo is offline
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Unsure about root system on Dendrobium Orchid plus a few questions! Female

Oh wonderful! Thank you Maureen! I wasn't too sure since when I ran water over them they didn't turn green. I'll water normally and hope to see some new growth soon!

I've been reading around so I do have some ideas of what to use. I just wanted to make sure the roots were okay first before attempting anything.

Thanks for your help!
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Old 10-23-2012, 01:47 PM
cbuchman cbuchman is offline
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Unsure about root system on Dendrobium Orchid plus a few questions! Female

I have found the following to be helpful in identifying common bug problems. It also has treatment options.


Sounds like you're off to a good start with your Den. Good Luck!
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Old 10-24-2012, 01:53 AM
Momo Momo is offline
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Unsure about root system on Dendrobium Orchid plus a few questions! Female

Thank you very much, Carrie! That really helped me out! I've started treatment so I hope to see results soon!
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Old 10-24-2012, 02:43 AM
NYCorchidman NYCorchidman is offline
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Unsure about root system on Dendrobium Orchid plus a few questions!

No need to attempt to try any chemicals unless the infestation is heavy.
From what you describe, you saw one aphid and one or more white stuff under a leaf.
The white one (did you see it (them)?) could have been mealy bugs if it was much bigger than the aphid, and if it wasn't moving and quite small, then most likely a type of scale, which can be tough to eradicate as they keep coming back.
Aphid is easy. just take it off but make sure you kill it by popping it by fingers. at least that's what I would do as these guys can walk back up to the plant.
About the white stuff, let's say it was scale, you should wash the entire leaves both sides. repeat every week and keep a very close eye on any small white little things present on the leaves.

Roots on your dendrobium look perfectly normal. They are never white. only the ones that grow above the media will be white.

South window is perfect for these. That's where all mine are sitting. but these hybrids have different backgrounds and have varying tolenrance to sunlight.
You will learn through trial and error.
If leaves get burned, then use sheer curtain or move to east window.
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Old 10-24-2012, 02:46 AM
NYCorchidman NYCorchidman is offline
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Unsure about root system on Dendrobium Orchid plus a few questions!

You don't need to fertilize much while in flower. If you see new growth developing, then fertilizing would help.

You moved them plant from moss to bark. It might get stressed and lose flowers. Make sure you keep it moist enough.
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Old 10-24-2012, 04:05 PM
Momo Momo is offline
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Unsure about root system on Dendrobium Orchid plus a few questions! Female

Originally Posted by NYCorchidman View Post
No need to attempt to try any chemicals unless the infestation is heavy.
From what you describe, you saw one aphid and one or more white stuff under a leaf.
The white one (did you see it (them)?) could have been mealy bugs if it was much bigger than the aphid, and if it wasn't moving and quite small, then most likely a type of scale, which can be tough to eradicate as they keep coming back.
Aphid is easy. just take it off but make sure you kill it by popping it by fingers. at least that's what I would do as these guys can walk back up to the plant.
About the white stuff, let's say it was scale, you should wash the entire leaves both sides. repeat every week and keep a very close eye on any small white little things present on the leaves.

Roots on your dendrobium look perfectly normal. They are never white. only the ones that grow above the media will be white.

South window is perfect for these. That's where all mine are sitting. but these hybrids have different backgrounds and have varying tolenrance to sunlight.
You will learn through trial and error.
If leaves get burned, then use sheer curtain or move to east window.
Thank you for your input! I'll wash the leaves and see if anything comes back. It definitely wasn't bigger than the aphid so at least now I can rule out mealy bugs. That was my main concern since I didn't want to have an infestation later on. As for that aphid I don't think it'll be making it back to my plant any time soon. I flushed that little bugger! Lol.

I'm glad to have a good consensus that its roots are fine. From what I've seen online they always seemed to be a lot thicker. Either way, I'm glad for the reassurance. It was so packed in there with the moss that I had the hardest time getting them out to even look at!

I'll definitely keep it moist like you say. I would hate to lose such pretty flowers.
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Old 10-25-2012, 01:26 AM
NYCorchidman NYCorchidman is offline
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Unsure about root system on Dendrobium Orchid plus a few questions!

Moist but perfect drainage, otherwise, you risk root rot.

Most of these types of hybrids have relatively thin roots. I have quite a few and only one of them has noticeably thicker roots.
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bark, dendrobium, orchid, roots, sphagnum, questions, root, system, unsure

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