Kevinator here with a few questions about Bulb. masdevalliaceum. Is there anything in particular that I should be aware of with this orchid? Also, why isn't it blooming? I had it for one year and it is quite large already (25 or so pseudobulbs with leaves and many new growths). I keep it in bright sunlight and average humidity. I water it when the top of the mix dries only a little.
I checked on OrchidWiz for culture of the maxillare (nothing found under the other name). This one does not like bright sunlight. It should be in dappled conditions. You may not be watering it enough as it should be watered heavily while in growth and a bit less if in dark short days of winter. It needs a good open mix and actually prefers to be mounted although it still needs a lot of moisture and mounting is not always practical. Baker's info suggests shallow open pots with course media such as bark with a bit of sphag or tree fern fiber mixed in to help retain moisture. These can sulk for a year when re-potted so try to use something that doesn't break down fast and it doesn't like stale media either! It also needs very warm temps year round of around 85 to 90F in the day and 75F at night. Try altering its conditions a bit and you might see it produce some blooms. Oh and humidity should be high-around 80%. To me this just sounds like one of these orchids that most people aren't going to be able to give real good care to. A terrarium might help but good moving are was also a must have so then you need some little fan.
Thank you for the info! Anything else would be appreciated!
I already have a small fan that can provide air movement for my entire collection. I might not be watering it enough even though the mixture is constantly moist. I now have it in the back of my collection where it recieves the least light. I think I might want to get one of those vivarium foggers. The're relatively inexpensive and raise the humidity up quite a bit.
This plant should grow well in Southern California, although it can grow in Australian tropics it isn't hard to grow and can take a variety of conditions depending on how you grow there.
Dappled light is a good idea, and keeping them dry if it gets too cold but aside from that I don't think it's too difficult.