everyone. I am wondering if I could get some advise on what fellow posters are doing this time of year as we are trying for spikes. I have phals, oncs, catts, a den, reed stem epi's and a couple of cyms. I fed them all a 20-14-13 all year. The den i stopped all fert and am giving it the cool-dry treatment (it just finished flowering). Do any of you switch over to a bloom booster this time of year or do you find that you get spikes with a balanced fert. I have gotten 2 sheaths on my catts and 3 spikes on a couple phals already and my degamora is quite far along in spike. I am unsure if I need to switch the cyms over to a bloom booster or should I stay the coarse. I have read as many responses to using the bloom booster as not, also I did change over from 30-12-12 to this new one this year in may (20-14-13) is this balanced enough to still get spikes on the cyms? Sorry for the long post I find it will be interesting to find out what others are doing