I generally have not been very successful with re-blooming. I've been in a newbie phase where I seem to kill off more plants than I'm actually able to grow and keep happy. :s
But, then a few months ago, I all of a sudden seemed to get the hang of my phals. New spikes, happy roots, big leaves...
Up to then I always used to try to make the most of the existing spikes and left them in place hoping for a re-bloom. That worked, kind of. But the spike grew very long and lanky and the flowers were few and smaller and they just tended to be awkward looking plants.
So I built up the courage to cut the spikes off. When the last flower wilts, I cut off the whole spike freeing the plant from the 'old luggage', even if the tips are still green and alive. That, together with an increase in humidity (compared to how I used to grow my phals) and a significant drop in temperatures to initiate new spikes, seemed to do wonders for my phals.
Looks to me like they benefit from being freed of the old spike and have a short rest before they focus their attention on growing a brand new spike instead of putting energy into old ones that (in my growing conditions, at least) seem to be at a stand-still for months before the plant decides to put out a couple more flowers.
The phals where I cut off the old spike immediately after it was done flowering are now growing massive new spikes that looks like trees and they got loads of buds. Will be interesting to see if the flower size is ok... but at least the buds look promising.
Last edited by Silje; 08-30-2012 at 10:06 AM..