I say Noid as is Lloyd, but I'm not sure whether people outside of Orchid Board use it or not so never use it when talking to other Orchid growers at shows. No ID as two words will be understandable by anyone so I use that when speaking to people.
In the UK we usually pronounce abbreviations as the individual letters. So this would be No I D however when I first read it here on OB I didn't know what it meant and so thought Noid in my head and have never broken that pattern.
I've noticed in other things that people in the USA tend to turn abbreviations into words and pronounce them as a word. For example OLE (used in computers) I would pronounce it O L E but we had a visitor at a work conference from the USA who pronounced it Olé (like the Spanish cheer). Took me quite a while to realise what he was talking about. But I've come across other instances of the same thing where I've realised that someone from the USA has turned an abbreviation into a word. People don't tend to do that here, however as I said before, I say Noid in this case