Originally Posted by Ray
Megathrive is a simple 3-0-3 fertilizer (mostly urea-based nitrogen) that also contains boron and molybdenum in exceptionally high levels, as fertilizers go.
The urea-based N makes it more absorbable via foliage than through roots, and the B & Mo are supposed to "drive" biological processes, specifically those related to auxin and cytokinin production.
Yeah ray I'd like to know your take on it as well.
So shameless plug here but I have been using Ray's solo fertilizer for about a month and a half and the results are good. First, if it wasn't actively growing before, the plant is now! But I think the biggest gain I've seen so far are the roots. I've gotten heavy root growth on most plants and even secondary roots on phals on hybrids that typically don't branch secondaries much.
I've seen the biggest difference on my tolumnias. They grow very fast with solo in quarter strength, sprayed every other day, RO water on those off days. I realize that may be a lot but the plants dry out so quickly for me so they get soaked every day by sitting in water and then drained and placed back on the rack. Seems to be working well!!
Ray, if the Ni is urea, should I not use this on my phals?