New Mount!!
I just mounted my new baby Catt-long name! AKA: (Rhyncholaeliocattleya Waianae Appeal)
The TINY bit of info I was able to find about it was only that of one parent and it's growth is around 20ish inches... this one is currently about 9 inches and is a year old.
I hope it does well with this, it has a few years growth room I hope. To my understanding, I can split it later on if it's growth is insane right?
I'm starting the mount off upright on a table, I can hang it later if it gets a bit rootie! Do these prefer to remain upright or upside down? I'm good with either, but I'd like to start it out as it is happiest.
I live is a studio right now and don't have any sunshiny windows (a BIT of afternoon light), so I'm growing under 2 bulbs that my Phals and Violets seem more then happy with. I know Catts like a bit more light, do you think it will be fine if I have it in the spotlight of the lamps? I could try to put it outside, but I tend to be "out of sight, out of mind" and would hate to forget about it... Temp and humidity has been easy to maintain since it's rainy and humid here in NC right now. I have a humidifier to plug in when it gets dry. Any tips?