den roots
Hello everyone,
I repotted my dendrobium yesterday and I was rather surprised when I saw her root system. Obviously to me, she has been a happy gal and has been working hard to maintain the nice foliage she has.
I promised her that I would show her roots to you (ok, brag a lil lol). She's proud of what she has, too. (By the way, she popped right out of her pot as soon as I cracked prying)
I have a cattleya that I repotted last year with a root system somewhat similar to this, but not quite as extensive. Other than these two, I've never experienced tons of roots on any of my orchids in the past.
Now, to all of you professionals: Please tell me if there's something I am missing. Maybe I shouldn't be so happy with her roots, afterall, for some reason. If that's the case, please explain what the problem is and how to correct it. Honestly, I've not had enough years of growing experience to recognize improvement that should be made.
I have understood in the past that I should repot with the oldest canes closer to the edge of the pot so as to allow growing room for new growths. Did I understand correctly, of do I need to unpot and make a change?
I would appreciate all advice, comments and constructive criticism.
Oh, and another "by the way", she's blooming again. Not necessarily spectacular blooms, but never-the-less blooms that I'm proud of.
Thanks for reading and looking,