So I'm minding my own business while walking through the Garden Dept in Lowe's when all of the sudden I hear the siren call of Orchids in distress...
*a mournful song ebbs and flows, rising briefly and fading again on the stagnant air*
Following the fading pleas, what meets my eyes? Once beautiful plants are now surrounded by lost blooms and marked for a dollar... Leaves drooping in shame of falling prey to the ignorant care of the associates... Roots raised up in a silent cry to those walking by...
I knew it was over then...Of all the Phals, I went home with 10.
(forgive my melodrama, writing is a bit of a pass-time!

Onto where you wonderful souls come in!

I have a few pictures and a few more questions! Any takers???
Pic #1 (I think)
Another leaf blemish... hopefully not caused by bugs? *fingers crossed*
Pic #2
Another type of leaf disturbance I'm unsure of. Surprisingly I haven't found any obvious signs of pests (from what I've been told to look for anyway??) but I'd like to know what this is as well. I saw a spider close to one of these a few days ago, looked to be a house spider as it was about the size of a pencil eraser... But that's the only side of outside life.
Pic #3
I don't know what this spot is either, a few of the other Phals have one or two on them, but no sign of worsening or anything else...
Pic #4
This is the same orchid as previously shown on Pic #2, I am hoping this leaf damage is simply from handling/shipping or maybe old sunburn? I wasn't able to find anything online that might enlighten me further, so time will tell I guess? The leaf isn't mushy, more leathery then anything else... It had root rot and is in a bag now to recoop.